February 26, 2013

Baker's Dozen! - Update

Baker's Dozen!, is a fast paced puzzle game for all ages! :D  Cause, come on... who doesn't love donuts?  We're knee deep in development, and I'm totally stoked with it's progress.  Here's a quick update to bring you up to speed, since this game has been IP before I started posting here.

You’ve just become the owner of a Donut Shop, an old... run down... donut shop... The only way to boost it’s popularity and make some money to improve your business is to give your customers GREAT service!  But be careful, if you fail to fill their orders in time, bad word of mouth will spread, and it’ll put you out of business!  

The player will see what type of donut the customer would like.  He should then, draw a line, and connect as many of that type of donut as possible! The more he gives, the more tips he'll get!  The delicious donuts will animate to the customer’s mouth after he releases his finger, and more donuts will fall into place.  When the customer eats 12 or more donuts, that customer will leave.  You have to get through all your customers to complete the day.  But each customer will only wait so long to receive all 12 of their donuts, if you make them wait too long, they'll lose their patience and get mad and spread bad word of mouth about your shop. So based on how happy the customer was when his order was filled, your popularity meter will either increase or decrease.  So go quick!!! Each successive customer will start off with less and less patience as the day progresses! If your popularity (or star rating) goes all the way down, your shop closes, you go out of business and the game is over.  :(

Here are some quick screens, from the alpha release...  of course, all of this is still IP.

in the above image, we just drew a line connecting a bunch of chocolate donuts, the guy is red though, so that means he's ticked... thankfully getting this many donuts of the type he is asking for will boost his happy meter a little before he leaves... HOPEFULLY enough that he'll turn yellow again :D ... I also could have connected 2 more donuts!  d'oh! ;)

 in this image, the customer is about to eat the bundle of strawberry donuts we just sent his way, and some donuts have JUST finished falling in from the top of the screen.  Also those "fancy" blue donuts at the bottom of the screen are Magic donuts... intrigued? :)

I'll post another update when we hit beta.  For now I have lots of testing to do :D

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