March 27, 2013

Get There - Quick Pitch

In this mobile game, you need to physically "get" your body (and your phone) to a location in the real world, in order to complete the challenge.

The player will see a game world in/through his phone.  It is essentially a viewfinder "into" the game world.  The player needs to walk around, climb, jump, in the real world, in order to get past the obstacles he sees in the phone.  

Level one is completed by walking forward about 5 steps until the player walks "through" the goal area seen only in the phone.  To anyone watching him, he would have just walked 5 steps forward.  Later levels will have the goal in harder to reach places in the game world, where a person might have to use real elevators, step stools, hills etc. to get their body through this virtual goal zone. 

Players will need to test out different start positions to achieve the maneuvers needed to get through the puzzles.  A reset button will be available for this.

Imagine seeing a stream in the phone that doesn't exist in the real world... Run up to it and leap across in the real world, and you've passed it! Or a set of floating platforms...

There would be levels and star ratings based on how quickly you finished it.

Players would be able to build and submit levels for other people to play as well.  And they'll be a disclaimer that we don't want you to get hurt ;)

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