game is about a guy who comes across a cruise ship in the middle of the
ocean, and has no idea where he is. it would play as a 1st person
shooter. very eerie and suspenseful.
one scene, the hero will come up to the boat out in the mist. he
approaches it on a small piece of debris and makes his way carefully
aboard. Through the tipped hallways some half filled with water and
shifter furniture, he makes his way toward the main control room of the
ship, where hopefully he can radio for help. having not seen another
survivor and only bodies missing most of their flesh, he’s not sure
what’s going on, or how he got there. as he slowly pushes the door
open, he is startled when he sees an old man leaning against the
controls. The captain is starring into the vast nothingness of the
ocean, and is unaware we have entered the room at all. as he slowly
approaches he notices that he looks remarkably healthy, besides the
1,000 yard stare that doesn’t seem to move. He answers your questions
in a slow monotone voice, but it’s clear he has lost his mind. He’s
holding onto a chain around his neck, that he tells you about without
being prompted... He never wanted to sail ships, but his father before
him, and his father before him were, he had no choice. This was one of
his few remaining journeys and he was going to quit, and give his
son the chain, so that he would always know that he should follow his
own path, instead of what everyone else wanted him to do. All the
captain wanted was to be a farmer and be able to provide for his family.
As his stories continue, a ruckus is heard outside in the hallway
somewhere. You tell the captain the you need to get out of here, and he
does too, is there any place to call for help? He tells you that the
main control room is up a few levels but that he’d have to take you
there. The captain, oblivious to everything around him, continues
having conversations with members of the crew as if they were going
about their daily tasks, unfortunately that have died. He tells you to
follow him as he walks out the door and takes out his keys that will
help you get to where you need to go. As you start walking to the
control room, even though he says he knows the ship, he has to turn
around, as he seems to forget his way from time to time. He also seems
to not be aware of any of the sparking electrical outlets shorting out,
or the loud noise that seem to be drawing closer and closer as he takes
his time opening doors. Suddenly, a something bursts out of the wall
and leaps at you, you bash it with your bare hands. What the heck was
that!?!?! Again the captain is completely unaware of what is going on,
and continues to talk to himself as he slowly guides you to the main
control room, which seems like it will take an eternity to get there.
As more and more creatures attempt to kill the two of you, you must
fight for your life and the life of the captain using whatever you can,
if you ever want to get out alive....
is just the story portion of a game pitch, where the main theme will revolve
around taking control of the things that happen in your life and never
stopping til you get it back to the way want it.
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